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Student Agency in 3 Steps


Map Out a Unit

Create a Mastery Map for your next unit by completing the template created in Step #2.



A.  Unpack First Standard

Start with the first standard in your next curricular unit or a prerequisite standard (i.e. a standard students need to have mastered before beginning work on the current unit).

Most standards are a combination of several distinct learning objectives.  Break the standard down into these smaller components by identifying the distinct:

  • Concepts.  What students need to know (usually nouns), and

  • Skills.  What students need to be able to do with those concepts (usually verbs)

Combine the skills (verbs) with the concepts (nouns) and use student-friendly language to create individual "learning targets."


NOTE 1:  For help unpacking standards, see HERE (Steps 1 and 2 only) and HERE.

NOTE 2:  Unpack standards with your students (after doing it yourself first).

B.  Add Information to Template

For each element of your Mastery Map template, add information specific to the first learning target unpacked from your standard.

Click relevant phases of PL Unit Cycle below for guidance:

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Interactive Graphic.  Click phases for suggestions.

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